Inspire Me, Love. Idea’s On A DIY Present.
one of the best Valetnine’s Day Card idea’s I ever saw jeden z najlepszych pomysłów na kartkę walentynkową, jakie widziałam I hope to share several things with you today, if I only have enough time,...
View ArticleGood Morning, Valentine!
Love starts in us, in our hearts, and the first person we can learn to love is ourself. Miłość zaczyna się w tobie, w twoim sercu i pierwszą osobą, jaką możesz nauczyć się kochać, jesteś ty sam. I wish...
View ArticleWedding Cake
A wedding cake should look nice. But at the end of the day it’s the taste that every one will remember. If your cake presents itself well, but isn’t very good, then no one will keep any memory of it,...
View ArticleNewlyweds
Before I share with you my experience with London, I’d like to mention the latest news. As you know, I’ve been posting wedding inspirations, awaiting my best friends big day. That day had arrived on...
View ArticleSant Magí
Yesterday we celebrated Sant Magí, which was also our first day in Tarragona (it feels good to be home). We always spend this day with family, going to church, watching Castells, and eating outside of...
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